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The Wellesley Chamber Players is dedicated to fostering the arts and culture in the Wellesley community and the greater Boston area by bringing the highest quality of chamber music. Support us to continue pursuing our mission.
WCP Friends recognizes individuals who give $1-$249 annually.
WCP Supporters recognizes individuals who give $250-$499 annually.
WCP Sponsors recognizes individuals who give $500-$999 annually.
WCP Patrons recognizes individuals who give $1000-$2999 annually.
WCP Visionaries recognizes individuals who give $3000-$4999 annually.
WCP Advocates recognizes individuals who give $5000 and more annually.
Your support and contributions will enable us to continue offering world-class performances.
Your generous donation will fund our mission.
103 Grove Street, Wellesley, MA 02482
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support Wellesley Chamber Players every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop there, AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of your purchase price to us. To shop at AmazonSmile, go to You may wish to bookmark AmazonSmile to make it easier.